Comments for Media Literacy Now Advocating for Media Literacy Education Wed, 14 Feb 2024 14:55:25 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on What’s in a name: Defining media literacy by O que é a Literacia dos Média? O que é a Literacia Digital? O que é a Literacia Informacional? O que é a Literacia Jornalística? O que é a Cidadania Digital? | TIC, Educação e Web Sat, 27 Jan 2024 21:55:10 +0000 […] Referência: What is Media Literacy? What is Digital Literacy? What is Information Literacy? What is News Literacy? What is Digital Citizenship?: Media Literacy Now. (2024). Retrieved from… […]

Comment on Colorado to write new K-12 media literacy standards and help districts implement them by MLN Thu, 22 Jul 2021 14:40:51 +0000 In reply to Jessica N..

Thanks! Great observations. In particular:
“If we are teaching students to be critical analysts of incoming information, shouldn’t this evaluation be in all subjects and incorporated in as many aspects of the school day as possible?”
That is our ideal and our goal. We are encouraging state policymakers across the country to pursue this goal, with the help of many advocates. Colorado is on the path and making progress by identifying barriers and determining steps to overcome those barriers. We encourage you to get involved in Colorado to make this a reality!

Comment on Colorado to write new K-12 media literacy standards and help districts implement them by MLN Thu, 22 Jul 2021 14:36:05 +0000 In reply to Dana B.

Agreed! Thanks for noting this. We encourage states to ensure educational equity by putting media literacy into policy so that all schools and students have access to critical life skills, not just the better resourced schools that are already doing this.
You can read the bill here if you want to know more details:
This may answer your question:

Comment on Colorado to write new K-12 media literacy standards and help districts implement them by MLN Thu, 22 Jul 2021 14:29:42 +0000 In reply to Ashley D.

Thanks for your comment Ashley! We are acutely aware of the digital divide and are seeking ways to address it. We worry that media literacy skills are only being taught in the higher resource schools and see media literacy as an educational equity issue. “Access” is one of the key media literacy elements. There is federal funding for technology, but we also want to be sure young people are learning the skills they need to use these tools safely and effectively, and not just hand out powerful technology that can have a life changing effect, with no guidance. In addition, media literacy has been taught for decades, well before today’s digital revolution. There are many media literacy skills that can and should be taught that don’t require technology to learn, and are skills that can be transferred to digital media. So we need not wait for perfect access.

Comment on Colorado to write new K-12 media literacy standards and help districts implement them by Jessica N. Thu, 22 Jul 2021 04:17:30 +0000 Media Literacy is a crucial component of empowering students to be productive members of society. By implementing media literacy children will gain confidence in order to interpret incoming information and make informed decisions to determine if the new information is useful or credible. Unfortunately, I am skeptical of the “support” lawmakers will provide to aid the ongoing success of new media literacy standards. In order for this critical thinking mindset to be effective, teachers have to have a strong understanding of the value and necessity of media literacy. The statement, “Schools will have the ability to determine what’s included in the curriculum.”(McQueen, 2021) articulates a major concern I have with the mass adoption of media literacy standards. The ideologies of the professional staff in a school and their community will naturally manipulate the types of valued media to be incorporated into their curriculum. Thus, by the nature of assigning valued versions of media or ways of differentiating value, wouldn’t this be another opportunity for an authority to sway students to value specific forms or presentations of media? Also, for this to pass in legislation as a law, how will this be evaluated? The goal of teaching critical thinking is to equip students with skills to create their own opinions based on facts and their personal experiences. There are no wrong answers, just unsupported assumptions. There would be no way to determine mastery without bias of some sort. Also the statement “Social studies teachers at D60’s middle and high schools are responsible for implementing the ‘common sense education’ curriculum.” (McQueen, 2021) brings up another concern I have with the planned approach to address the topic of media literacy. If we are teaching students to be critical analysts of incoming information, shouldn’t this evaluation be in all subjects and incorporated in as many aspects of the school day as possible? By having a class teach media literacy, this skill is not as likely to be transferred cross-curricular. Due to the singular designation of responsibility of instruction given to one or two instructors, other teachers may not feel connected or responsible for the development of these skills. Media Literacy needs to be a priority for each teacher. Understandably there are some courses that lend themselves more for analyzing media. However, the infusion of these skills across a child’s instruction will create more natural critical thinkers and enable students to apply these skills more naturally to nonacademic aspects of their lives.

McQueen, J. P. C. (2021, May 13). Pueblo schools prep for much-debated media literacy bill in the Colorado Legislature. The Pueblo Chieftain.

Comment on Colorado to write new K-12 media literacy standards and help districts implement them by Dana B Thu, 22 Jul 2021 02:13:27 +0000 I find this to be so interesting. I think that these 21st century skills of media literacy and digital citizenship are so crucial in today’s society. With the amount of technology that is integrated into schools, the workplace, and daily life, it is imperative that the students of today are able to implement and practice these skills in a no-stress environment so that they can be prepared for the real-world. As I reflect on this, does this apply only to the state-funded public schools? Or to all schools across the state? How will title 1 buildings be able to address these skills with their lack of funding and support? Not addressing the gap between well-funded schools and those of rural or impoverished communities can create a huge disadvantage to students who did not attend the affluent school which had access to these resources. Addressing these topics are so important and all students should be able to have access to them regardless of their background.

Comment on Colorado to write new K-12 media literacy standards and help districts implement them by Ashley D Wed, 21 Jul 2021 19:42:05 +0000 While I think that it is wonderful that media literacy standards are being proposed, I worry about a few things. What about rural school districts who lack access to reliable technology and/or internet? How can we assist these districts and help students still learn these important skills? There is a digital divide that is very real in many parts of the country and not all students have equitable or equal access to technology.

Furthermore, I see the value in teaching media literacy and digital citizenship. In the twenty-first century it is important for decision making, research, the job market, and so much more. I definitely think we should be teaching our students how to use technology and how to be media literate. I just worry that as we implement standards, while ignoring the digital divide, we are perpetuating a larger issue. Those without access will continue to be in the dark and we have done nothing to help prevent that. Perhaps we should be looking at funding technology for districts that do not have access to updated, current technology.

Comment on Mass lawmakers send civic education mandate with emphasis on Media Literacy to the governor by MLN Thu, 09 Aug 2018 22:43:59 +0000 In reply to Jamie O’Gorman.

Great Media Literacy question! Most of the legislative news is written by me, Erin McNeill, president and founder of MLN. Usually if there’s no author noted on a news item, it’s written by me. Do you have a question or comment about the information in the article? Is something missing? Thanks.

Comment on Mass lawmakers send civic education mandate with emphasis on Media Literacy to the governor by Jamie O'Gorman Wed, 08 Aug 2018 18:29:29 +0000 Who is the author of this blog post please?

Comment on Bosnia and Herzegovina educators launch Media Literacy association by PROJECT: BE MEDIA LITERATE. BE COOL! supported by USA – Udruženje za promovisanje kulture i mišljenja Σοφία Mon, 23 Jul 2018 17:27:04 +0000 […] Source: Bosnia and Herzegovina educators launch Media Literacy association. […]
